Progetti di Ricerca in ambito Sicurezza  a cui partecipano i membri di SERIT


TA 1 – Sorveglianza e situazioni awareness


SUNNY Network di sensori smart per aerei unmanned per l’individuazione di ingressi illegali alle frontiere


TA 2 – Comunicazione

AFTER Un framework per la ricerca delle vulnerabilità, la difesa e il ripristino dei sistemi di alimentazione elettrica
CockpitCI Sicurezza informatica su SCADA: Strumenti di previsione del rischio, di analisi e di reazione per le infrastrutture critiche
ISITEP Inter System Interoperability per Tetra TetraPol Networks


WISEC Sicurezza Radio: canale intrinsecamente nuovo



TA 3  – Detection & Identification System

SAMURAI Suspicious and Abnormal behaviour Monitoring Using a netwoRk of cAmeras&  sensors for sItuation awareness enhancement


TA 4 – Tecnologie per crisis management


DESTRIERO A DEcision Support Tool for Reconstruction and recovery and for the IntEroperability of international Relief units in case Of complex crises situations, including CBRN contamination risks
PANDORA Advanced Training Environment for Crisis Scenarios



TA 5 – Information, processing and management


ALARP A railway automatic track warning system based on distributed personal mobile terminals
AMBER Assessing, Measuring and BEnchmarking Resilience
ANIKETOS Secure and Trustworthy Composite Services
CHESS Composition with Guarantees for High integrity Embedded Software Components aSsembly
CONNECT Emergent Connector for Eternal Software Intensive Networked Systems
CONTRAIL Open Computing Infrastructure for Elastic services
CRUTIAL Critical UTility InfrastructurAL Resilience
DEMONS DEcentralized, cooperative, and privacy preserving MONitoring for trustworthiness Safe Port Operations using EGNOS SoL Service
DOTS – LCCI Dependable Off  The Shelf based middleware systems for Large scale  Complex  Critical  Infrastructures
INSPIRE INcreasing Security and Protection through infrastructure REsilience
MASSIF MAnagement of Security information and events in Service InFrastructures
NESSoS Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems
SESAMO Security and Safety Modeling



CALYPSO Calypso HF Radar Monitoring System and Response Against Marine Oil Spills in The Malta Channel
CBRNEmap Road mapping study of CBRNE demonstrator
CISIA Conoscenze integrate per sostenibilità e innovazione del “Made in Italy” agroalimentare
CONffiDENCE Contaminants in food and feed: Inexpensive detection for control of exposure


Design and development of REAlistic food Models with well characterised micro  and macro structure and composition
EDEN End user driven DEmo for cbrNe
ICT- E3 ICT per l’Eccellenza dei Territori
MODES_SNM Modular Detection System for special nuclear material
MONIQA Monitoring and quality assurance of food  Network of excellence
RF- IZP- 2008 -1160478 Messa a punto di dispositivi nanotecnologici (biosensori) per il rilevamento di allergeni in alimenti di origine animale e vegetale
S.I.Mi.S.A. Strumenti Innovativi per il Miglioramento della Sicurezza Alimentare: Prevenzione, Controllo, Correzione
SIASIC Sorgenti inquinanti sommerse nei mari siciliani (Submerged pollutant sources in the Sicilian Seas)
SICMA Simulation of Crisis Management Activities
SITCEN Development of a prototype for the International Situational Centre on Interaction in Case of Ecoterrorism
TAWARA_RTM TAp WAter RAdioactivity Real Time Monitor
Prodotti innovativi per il monitoraggio e la decontaminazione/detossificazione di  agenti nervini ed esplosivi nell’ambiente e/o per la gestione delle emergenze Prodotti innovativi per il monitoraggio e la decontaminazione/detossificazione di  agenti nervini ed esplosivi nell’ambiente e/o per la gestione delle emergenze


TA 7: Aspetti legali ed etici della sicurezza

CIPRNet Critical Infrastructure Protection Research Network




SG 1 – Sicurezza dei trasporti

Contratto di Ricerca tra Zeropiù Srl e l’IAC CNR Contratto di Ricerca tra Zeropiù Srl e l’IAC CNR
HYCON2 Highly complex and networked control systems
Multipopulation Models for Vehicular Traffic and Pedestrians Multipopulation Models for Vehicular Traffic and Pedestrians
PRIN 2009 Problemi iperbolici non lineari per le applicazioni
Contratto di ricerca tra IAC Selex Sistemi Integrati Spa (2008 – 2010) Contratto di ricerca tra IAC Selex Sistemi Integrati Spa (2008 – 2010)
GAMMA Global AtM security Management



SG 4 – Cyber Security

SAWSOC Situation Aware Security Operations Center






SG 5 – Sicurezza agroalimentare

FOODNET Studio di un nuovo sistema integrato, su piattaforma informatica, polifunzionale, di tecnologie per il trasporto di prodotti agro alimentari freschi
TRACEBACK Integrated System for a reliable traceability of entire food supply chains


SG 7  – Sicurezza integrata dei beni culturali e del costruito

HARMONISE A Holistic Approach to Resilience and Systematic Actions to Make Large Scale Urban Built Infrastructure Secure

SG 8 – Sicurezza delle Smart City

BESECURE The project Best practice Enhancers for Security in Urban Regions (BESECURE) will work towards a better understanding of urban security through examination of different European urban areas.


Altri progetti non catalogati nei TA/SG:

ADVISE Advanced Video Surveillance archives search Engine for security applications
AMISS Active and Passive Microwaves for Security and Subsurface imaging
ANVIL Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe
APQTA Attività di contrasto dei traffici illeciti di rifiuti
ASINFO Architetture di sistema e Servizi integrati per l’Infomobilità
BONAS BOmb factory detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors
CASHMA Context Aware Security by Hierarchical Multilevel Architectures
CHIRON Cyclic  And  Person Centric Health  Management
CONTAIN CONtainer securiTy Advanced Information Networking
CRESCENDO Coordination action on Risks, Evolution of threatS and Context assessment by an Enlarged Network for an r&D rOadmap
CUSTOM Drugs And PreCUrsor Sensing By ComplemenTing Low COst Multiple Techniques
DEFSEC Study on industrial implications in Europe of the blurring of dividing lines between Security and Defence
eDIANA Embedded Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings
EFFISEC Efficient Integrated Security Checkpoints
eHealthMonitor Intelligent Knowledge Platform for Personal Health Monitoring Services
E JRM electronic Justice Relationship Management
ERNCIP EU Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection
ESETF Explosives Security Experts Task Force
EUROCON Study on State Control of Strategic Defence Assets
EU – US Security Strategies EU – US Security Strategies
FACIES Online identification of Failure and Attack on interdependent Critical InfrastructurES
FIDELITY Fast and trustworthy Identity Delivery and check with ePassports leveraging Traveller privacy
FORLAB Forensic laboratory
GEMOM Genetic Message Oriented Secure Middleware
IMPULSO Integrated Multimodal Platform for Urban and Extra Urban Logistic System Optimisation
ISOTREX Integrated system for on line trace explosives detection in solid and vapour state
ISTIMES Integrated System for Transport Infrastructures surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing
LANDSCAPING Landscaping Identifying the mismatch between requirements and planned capabilities: Air Operations
MEDUSE Marine park Enhanced applications baseD on Use of integrated GNSS Services
MOS24 Motorways of the Sea 24
NDE Network on Detection of Explosive
NECTC Network Enabled Capabilitis Technical Challenges
n.S.HI.E.L.D. New embedded Systems arcHItecturE for multi Layer Dependable solutions PERSEUS Protection of European Seas and borders through the intelligent use of surveillance
p.S.HI.E.L.D. Pilot embedded Systems arcHItecturE for multi Layer Dependable solutions
PROTECTRAIL The Railway Industry Partnership for Integrated Security of Rail Transport
RADEX Raman Stand Off
REFIRE REference implementation of interoperable indoor location & communication systems for FIrst Responders
SAFER Sicurezza Attiva nei sistemi FERroviari
SAFEPORT Safe Port Operations using EGNOS SoL Services
SANDERA The future impact of defence and security on the European Research Area
SeaBILLA Sea Border Surveillance
SecuFood Security of the European Food Supply Chain
SecureMetro Secure Metro
SIMOB Sistema Integrato per l’infomobilità
SINTESIS Sistema INTEgrato per la Sicurezza ad Intelligenza diStribuita
SIRIS Progettazione e sviluppo sperimentale di una piattaforma di servizi di infomobilità e tracciamento per la raccolta e trasporto dei rifiuti speciali
SITMar Sistema integrato per il trasporto marino
SITRAM Sistema Trasporto Tranviario Innovativo
SLIMPORT Sicurezza, Logistica, Intermodalità Portuale
SMART Services for SMEs in collAborative tRansporT research projects
TECOM Trusted Embedded Computing
THEVI2 Threat Vulnerability Path Identification for Critical Infrastructures Compilation of a comprehensive all hazards catalogue for critical infrastructure